Stop Data Mining For Market Activity. We’ve Done The Work For You.

Introducing Market Activity 2.0

Accessing the right data exactly when you need it just got that much easier. MagikMe Equipment is excited to introduce two new search filters to our Market Activity product: Price Range and Date Range

“What’s the big deal?”

To quickly sum it up, it’s an improved method to narrowing down searches by making them more immediate and more precise. Big plus – it’s designed to alleviate time and effort exhausted on your end.

“I like the sound of that… but specifically, how is this going to help me?”

Here are a few of the top features that come along with the MagikMe Equipment Market Activity upgrade:

  • Finding market comps for valuation
  • Researching how others are pricing their equipment
  • Analyzing pricing trends over time
  • Comparing regional market trends

Let’s see how it works!

Want to see all resale marketplace activity for a Cat D8T?

Example gif to see all resale marketplace activity for a Cat D8T

How about all Cat D8T resale activity posted on the market over the past few months?

Example gif of resale marketplace activity sorted by date range for Cat D8T

Now what if you could add a price range to see what those Cat D8Ts were sold at?

Example gif of resale marketplace activity sorted by price range for Cat D8T

You get the idea…

Not only can you narrow down data using these specific filters, you also have access to average resale price, average auction price, high/low resale price, and high/low auction price. (NOTE: For those of you who leverage our Values & Market Data product, these are not be confused with FMV, OLV, and FLV.)

Image of Caterpillar D8T transaction search snippet

As with all of our new feature releases, the addition of the Price Range and Data Range filters is designed to improve our overall product and make your job easier by providing clean and verified market results. We’re taking the “daunt” out of “data mining” one upgrade at a time.

Want a free tutorial of this latest product release? Both clients and visitors are welcome to partake! Reach out to us here to set up a time.


Got some ideas? Contact our team anytime you have comments or thoughts on how we can improve MagikMe Equipment: features@MagikMe

Erin C. Kadzish
Product Marketing Manager

Image of construction equipment lined upImage of old courthouse